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Anti-Hu CD65 PE
CD65 is a fucosylated carbohydrate antigen (ceramide-dodecasaccharide, type II fucoganglioside), which serves as a ligand for CD62E (E-selectin). Its structure is Gal beta1-4 GlcNAc beta1-3 Gal beta1-4 GlcNAc (3-1 Fuc alpha) beta1-3 ceramide. Unlike CD65s, the CD65 antigen does not contain terminal sialic acid, the rest of their structure is identical. CD65 is expressed on granulocytes and monocytes and participates in cell adhesion. It has been reported as important for extravascular infiltration of acute monocytic leukemia cells.
The mouse monoclonal antibody VIM8 recognizes human CD65, an asialo-fucoganglioside expressed on the surface of peripheral blood granulocytes (highly) and monocytes (weakly).
THP-1 cell line
Flow cytometry: The reagent is designed for analysis of human blood cells using 10 μl reagent / 100 μl of whole blood or 106 cells in a suspension. The content of a vial (1 mL) is sufficient for 100 tests.
Stabilizing phosphate buffered saline (PBS), pH 7.4, 15 mM sodium azide
*Kniep B, Peter-Katalinic J, Müthing J, Majdic O, Pickl WF, Knapp W: The CDw65 monoclonal antibodies VIM-8 and VIM-11 bind to the neutral glycolipid V3FucnLc8Cer. J Biochem. 1996 Mar119(3):456-62., URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=kniep+b+peter-katalinic+j+muthing+j+majdic+o ,*Paietta E, Neuberg D, Bennett JM, Dewald G, Rowe JM, Cassileth PA, Cripe L, Tallman MS, Wiernik PH and the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group: Low expression of the myeloid differentiation antigen CD65s, a feature of poorly differentiated AML in older adults: study of 711 patients enrolled in ECOG trials. Leukemia. 2003 Aug17(8):1544-50., URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12886241,
Store at 2-8°C. Protect from prolonged exposure to light. Do not freeze.
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